Friday, January 27, 2012

Yay! First manga in Japanese! ^^

Yay! My first manga in Japanese came in the other day!!!! I can read a little bit of it... It's called ポケモン 「BW」 炎らいのえいゆう (Pokemon BW heres of Fire and Thunder) I know the title has more kanji in it, but furigana saves me again. I can only read a select few kanji. It's really good, I'm only on page 3, though. lol But N is my inspiration.... XD Anyhow, I look forward to being able to speak and read (better) Japanese in the future.
(Thank you! Goodbye!)
-リビ (^^)
-Libby ^^

Friday, January 20, 2012

Premium member for a day!

Yes! You heard right! Yesterday DeviantART gave everyone a free premium membership, just for one day. It was so cool! Usually you have to pay, but for one day, I got experience premium features! I loved it! I wish I had the money for one... But it was still really cool, maybe I won one of the premium memberships they were giving away! Maybe... But not likely... Anyhow, in other news, my blog is still blacked out to protest SOPA. I'll take it down when the bill is dead. Plain and simple. SOPA is just a bad idea. Period. Piracy is wrong, but SOPA is vague, and it tramples on constitutional rights. SOPA could give the government the right to censor the web! These policies are implemented in countries like China and Syria, where people have few rights! SOPA and PIPA are just a bad idea, it could badly affect online commerce. But the bill was delayed (again) thanks to everyone's protest. (I didn't get on DeviantART on Wednesday, almost nobody did) So thanks to all of the petition signers and online protesters, the bill's future looks pretty bleak.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SOPA and PIPA blackout Wednesday!

If you want to use Wikipedia tomorrow, you're going to be out of luck. Many sites including Wikipedia and Reddit (among others) are going dark tomorrow to protest the proposed legislations called SOPA and PIPA. These legislations are a total violation of user privacy, and are invading into websites' privacy policies. I hope that everyone else will also go black on Wednesday. Tomorrow, I won't use Twitter, Youtube, DeviantART, or even *sniff* Google. I hope the rest of America will honour this blackout as well. I will be on and Nicovideo, though. Since they are Japanese sites and are not affected by the proposed legislation. But I am with the rest of the web here, this needs to be stopped!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Best Video Game Soundtrack. Ever.

So, this is kind of old, but the .hack//Liminality soundtrack I was going to give me mom for her birthday FINALLY came in around Christmas. She let me put the CD on my computer and I LOVE IT! If you ever find this soundtrack, buy it! It's amazing, the music's so complex! But it all blends together, perfectly. Like Michael Jackson, Yuki Kaijura is a GENIUS! Her compositions always never cease to amaze! Great CD! You must buy it! It IS a Japanese import, but CDs aren't region locked! So it'll play anywhere! ^^

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What a week...

Tomorrow's thursday... Great. This week has SUCKED. I just feel SOOO TIRED! Like I have no motivation at all this week! To top that off, three tests this week! One of which NOBODY is prepared for. The only one I'm really confident about is history, that's a breeze. Just been a very tiring week. Very long.... I wish Friday would come, but then when we get back on Tuesday.... I have a geometry test. :( *le sigh*

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My first manga! (In Japanese) ^^

I ordered my first manga in Japanese! ^^ It's ポケットモンスターB・W 炎雷の英雄 aka Pokemon BW heroes of Fire and Thunder! I ordered it from Yes Asia! ( It was actually cheaper on Amazon jp BUT shipping was express ONLY. Which, is fast.... But also $40. -_- Yeah, but I can't wait to get it. I probably won't be able to read it well, but I can try! ^^

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ah, first friday back!

So, I apologize for not posting for a while. Getting back to school is hard! Soo anyhow, the worst thing. Ever. Happened... My bro SPILLED WHITEOUT ALL OVER MY NEW TRADING CARDS!!! You know, THE ONES I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS! 15 of them ruined! He had to buy me two new packs! But he still RUINED my Liepard! :'( Wwwhhhyyyyy?!?!? I got another Liepard, though, but now I only have one. :( Anyhow. I have GREAT news to report! I-am-getting-better-at-Japanese! Yeah! Yesterday I read a sign with kanji on it! KANJI! Who cares if I only read the last half of the sign, and if it was the first-grade kanji for tree. I still read it! I can also officially count in Japanese! All the way to 99 ^_^ yes! Plus I can read almost all of hiragana and some katakana! ^^ But I did have a HUGE fail a couple of days ago... I was looking at sample questions for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) and I decided to start with N 5, after all that sounds like the easiest, right? Well it's NOT! I almost died! There was too much kanji! I couldn't read any of it! THEN I FIND OUT N5 IS THE HARDEST! I went to look at N1 and it was MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, easier! It only had, like, one kanji on the whole thing! Ahh... That sure takes a load off!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Haven't Posted Much Lately....

Haven't posted much lately.... Been  on winter break :P Ah well, now I'm back to posting. Anyhow... For Christmas I got a lot of Pokemon Cards, The Unova Strategy Guide, Michael Jackson's vision, some other books, clothes, and random misc. stuff. I also spent my entire winter break on our new internet. XD Yeah. Anyhow... I also uploaded some new stuff to DeviantART. Check it out!