Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hey, guys! GUESS WHAT?!

(Lucky for you! //shot)
Anyhow, I'm back here rather unwillingly...
My blog for school was blocked today, I guess...
Because it's on Tumblr... Orz
Which, how Tumblr warrants a block more than a few other sites out there, I fail to see...
Anyhow, I'm wondering if I should enjoy sites like Google and such while I still can...
They're blocking everything in sight! (Hahaha, sight? Site? Geddit? //shotforever Nevermind... I suck at lame puns... Orz) (They even block DeviantART on the laptops at HOME!)
But, whatever.
 I'm stuck back here until they unblock Tumblr (which is probably never)...
Anyhow, I'm still active on my Tumblr at home, so never fear!
My Tumblr can be found at: http://victinitrainer.tumblr.com/
Does anyone see a creepy similarity here?