Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nice! So... What's the catch?

Okay, so after my Mac apparently decided to die for good. (Finally! It's been slow since last year! Not just last school year, last year, you know, in the Gregorian Calender.)
It wouldn't get past the starting screen, and gave a circle with a slash through it...
Yep, after enduring months of suffering to the point that my laptop was rendered practically unusable, it's finally fixed. Fixed as in removing the defective hard drive completely and erasing it, effectively giving the computer a new brain.
(They even replaced a crappy, scratched up rubber backing to my computer!)
It hasn't run this well ever! Not even when I first got it! asdfghjkl; I'm SO EXCITED TO HAVE A WORKING COMPUTER!!!!! >:U
It runs great!
(Finally the help desk, notorious for their slow "service" and general laziness got something done... In two class periods! They even reinstalled Java. What? I like my Minecraft. :3)
Ah... But, alas, there's a catch... (There's always one of those! :U)
All of my (not so) precious files are lost...
Even my homework and textbooks! ; A;
I think they may be able to recover them off of my old hard drive (They said they'd run a few tests, I think), but it's up in the air as to weather I'll get any of my stuff back...
Oh well... ^^ It's due to my old laptop's refusal to work properly that it was a chore to use it; in fact, I never used it unless I absolutely had to. So there wasn't much personal stuff and even homework on there...
Even Minecraft was practically unusable on there...
Although, I am wishing I had saved everything to a flash drive... Orz
Oh well, I'm gonna buy a new one ASAP, though. (All my old ones are full. Ha ha ha! ||D)